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发布时间:2007-05-03 08:53:23
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>>>>>>>>休闲养生网回答:我认为假胸的作用只是在穿着衣服时令体形有所改观,男人对裸露的假胸是很反感的,如果仅仅针对你的爱人,则完全无必要去隆胸。至于他处的几个问题似乎都算不上是缺点。看看美国Playboy读者对没有做过任何整形的模特Nicole Voss如何评价吧:
●Nicole is gorgeous. ...I find myself reading the articles more and looking at the models less. I just don't understand the shaven look. ...
●In a world where women inflate their breasts to appear more womanly and shave their pubic regions to the point of looking less so, Nicole is proof that natural beauty is alive and well.
●... All-natural women like Nicole are much harder to find these days and much nicer to look at.
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