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发布时间:2008-10-23 11:21:54
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中文名: 埃米·罗森
英文名: Emmy Rossum
性 别: 女
生 日: 1986-09-12
角 色:演员
全名:Emmanuelle Grey Rossum
海神号 The Poseidon Adventure (2006)
歌剧魅影(剧院魅影) The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
明日过后 Day After Tomorrow, The (2004)
真爱赌局 Passionada (2002)
民谣搜集者 Songcatcher (2000)
It Had to Be You (2000)
奥黛丽赫本的故事 Audrey Hepburn Story, The (2000)
Only Love (1998)
新专辑:名称:Inside Out
专辑歌手:Emmy Rossum
艾米最近频频接拍重量级作品,除了这部《神秘之河》外,尚有20世纪福克斯公司的科幻大制作《末日浩劫》(The Day After Tomorrow),由《独立日》、《酷兹拉》导演罗兰·艾默里奇执导,她在片中扮演女主角,与杰克·格林哈尔(《死亡幻觉》)和丹尼斯·奎德演对手戏,影片讲述下一个冰河世纪中人类面对的种种灾难,定于2004年5月上映;此外还有9月份在英国开镜的著名歌剧电影版《歌剧魅影》(Phantom of the Opera),毫无疑问,艾米将是未来数年内好莱坞最值得关注的新星之一。
Emmy Rossum, the actress best known for her acting roles in `Phantom Of The Opera,' `Mystic River,' and `The Day After Tomorrow,' has her diversity validated with her release of debut album, Inside Out, Despite her being known primary as an actress, music has always played a major role in Emmy Rossum's life.
When she was seven years old, she was singing with the Metropolitan Opera, and by the time she was a teenager, she had auditioned, and won, the part of Christine in the film version of `Phantom of the Opera,' for which she received a Golden Globe nomination. Rossum recorded her new music with producer Stuart Brawley, with whom she co-wrote all of the songs, and it represents a showcase for her remarkable vocal range. "I feel a real emotional connection to these songs," she says. "It's a real expression of my innermost thoughts and feelings, hence the title Inside Out." "It's about finding a respite from all the craziness," says the performer about the song. "I wanted to create a kind of music that would allow me to use my voice as an instrument. I tried to discover the boundary of the human voice.
01. Slow Me Down
02. Inside Out
03. Stay
04. Falling
05. The Great Divide
06. Lullaby
07. Don't Stop Now
08. High
09. A Million Pieces
10. Rainy Days And Mondays
11. Anymore
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