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12 Ways to tell if your a "Hightech Redneck"
If your e-mail address ends in ".over.yonder.com"

If you connect to the World Wide Web via a "Down Home Page"

If the bumper sticker on your truck says "My other computer is a laptop"

If your laptop has a sticker that says "Protected by Smith and Wesson"

If you've ever doubled the value of your truck by installing a cellular phone.

If your baseball cap reads "AOL Sucks!" instead of "CAT"

If your computer is worth more than all your cars combined

If your wife said "either she or the computer had to go", and you still don't miss her

If you've ever used an AOL CD-ROM as a coaster to set your beer on

If you ever refer to your computer as "Ole Bessy" or "Darlin"

If your screen saver is a bitmap image of your favorite truck, tractor, or porno star

If you start all your e-mails with the words "Howdy ya’ll" or "Hey Bubba"
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·20 George Carlin - Things to think about ·10 Signs your at a bad zoo ·10 Ways to Tell If Your Company is Going Under
·1999 Darwin Award Winners ·2000 Darwin Award Winners ·Bill Gates
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