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发布时间:2007-12-18 08:53:48
Let me help you. Yours is poor immunse system prossibly need detoxification.
你的情況多是中國人說的濕毒,外國人現時流行說體內過多廢物,要排毒,你必須經常飲水,盡量上多些廁所,把體內廢物盡量排出。发痒譎況就會slowly disappeared. The allergy pills the doctors prescribe can only solve the problem temperorily. I have that problem when I was young. Till I learn nutrametrix, I understand the theorey. We have to detox occassionally.
休 闲 居 编 辑
Eat more fresh fruit and vegetable, including fresh meat. More vegetable than meat. Drink lots of water every day. Go to toilet every day and do not hold. This helps.
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